木雕 – 戲曲表演藝術於臺灣廟宇人物雕刻之運用 —以三國演義題材為例/The application of opera performing arts in Taiwanese temple figures – The Romance of The Three Kingdoms as an example

木雕 – 戲曲表演藝術於臺灣廟宇人物雕刻之運用 —以三國演義題材為例/The application of opera performing arts in Taiwanese temple figures – The Romance of The Three Kingdoms as an example


標題:戲曲表演藝術於臺灣廟宇人物雕刻之運用 —以三國演義題材為例/The application of opera performing arts in Taiwanese temple figures – The Romance of The Three Kingdoms as an example

姓名:李怡佩/Lee I-Pei

指導教授:劉淑音/Liou Shu-Yin
